We value good corporate governance, and seek to adopt best practice to ensure that QUT is at the forefront of learning and is a highly desired destination for researchers and professionals.

QUT Council and committees

The QUT Council and committees ensure we meet our institutional strategic plan.

Annual reports

Our annual report provides an evaluation of our performance and achievements during each year.

Handbooks, course lists and award abbreviations

Official records of our course and unit offerings, plus guidelines for the letters you can use after your name after you graduate.

Manual of Policies and Procedures (MOPP)

Our rules and regulations, including policies and procedures for academic and professional staff.

Equity reports

Annual reports on student and staff statistics help to shape our strategy for a more supportive and equitable university.

QUT-branded promotional material must follow the standards outlined in our Corporate Identity Manual and requires approval before production and distribution.

Privacy and access to information

Understand how we gather and use information, and how you can access the information we store.

Information asset register

The information asset register is a summary of the information we collect and hold to conduct our business.

Cyber security

We are committed to upholding the highest standards of information security and employ a diverse array of cyber security controls to safeguard our infrastructure and sensitive data.

Statement on responsible investment

Our statement on responsible investment commits the university to a transition away from investment in fossil fuel companies while ensuring we continue to build the funding essential for our future.

Government Relations

QUT Government Relations provides expert strategic advice on government risk assessment, issues management and executive correspondence to improve relationships with key government.

Report a concern

We are committed to promoting a harmonious, fair and just learning environment for staff and students. If you have a concern about anything happening at QUT, find out how to raise your issue.

Indigenous Student Success Program (ISSP) reporting

Our annual ISSP report provides the Australian Government with a summary of our performance and achievements toward improving higher education outcomes for Indigenous Australians.

Student Services and Amenities Fee

The Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) is a charge for student services of a non-academic nature that funds a number of initiatives.

Student support framework

We provide support to help you succeed in your studies, look after your health and wellbeing, and make the most your university experience.

Public announcement

Details of the Terms of Reference for the Middleton Review.